Offener Brief an die Landesregierung
Die aktuellen Restriktionen zum Schutz vor dem Corona-Virus bedeuten für viele Studierende und ihre Eltern den Verlust ihres Einkommens. In einem offenen Brief (klick: PDF) wendet der AStA Landau sich an die Landesregierung. Gemeinsam mit dem AStA der JGU Mainz fordern wir eine schnelle, nachhaltige und kreditfreie Lösung, um allen Studierenden in ihren prekären Finanzlagen zu helfen.
English Version:
The AStA Landau wrote to the state government in an open letter:
Dear Mrs Dreyer,
dear Mr Wolf,
dear Mrs Bätzing-Lichtenthäler,
With this letter we would like to draw your attention to the situation of many students suffering from the corona pandemic. In addition to the uncertainty regarding exams, homework and the organization of the next semester, there is an acute financing problem for many students. It is quite common for students to only be able to afford their studies because they have a part-time job. In addition to the completely insufficient funding from BAföG, the reason for this is in particular the fueled housing market. However, students in particular are now working on a temporary basis in smaller shops, pubs or restaurants. These jobs will be lost due to the Corona virus containment measures.
Of course, as student representatives, we stand behind restrictions that prevent the virus from spreading further and thus save lives. However, all the consequences that result from the restrictions must be considered. In addition to large companies, the consequences for students have to be considered and countered accordingly.
We therefore ask you to develop suitable concepts to support the affected students and to make them available as soon as possible. Invoices must be paid in early April; due to the loss of earnings, this is not possible for all students. We ask you to note the following:
• Financial support cannot be reflected in loans alone. The loss of earnings of those affected arises without their intervention and cannot simply be reworked in the next few months, as this would endanger the course.
• In student dormitories, the state government should think about waiving the rent for those affected and intercepting this by paying compensation to the student services.
• The situation of foreign students who have their habitual residence in Germany but are not German citizens must also be considered. People are currently unable to enter and are isolated from their social life and work. Here, too, there is a risk of a financial collapse, with the consequence that studies cannot be continued.
Support from the state government is urgently needed, also in order not to overload student aid funds. It is the duty of the state, not the student status group, to stand up for those affected.
We expressly request that the urgency of the problem be observed. It is a matter of securing a livelihood as early as the next month, and deferment can mean the end of their studies for those affected.
We thank you for your attention and hope that we will soon survive this crisis in solidarity.
AStA Landau